Do you have concerns, suggestions, complaints, or a dispute? Betly wants to help. Get in touch with by contacting customer support at
You must formally notify Betly of a complaint or dispute in via email at the following address at
You must register your complaint or dispute with Betly within 14 calendar days of the occurrence of the incident or matter in question. You must include the following information:
- A statement that clearly indicates you are registering a formal complaint or dispute.
- Your name, address, telephone number, email address and registered account name.
- The approximate date and time of the incident.
- The sporting event and outcome.
- Details regarding the incident.
- Contact information for any witnesses to the incident, including name, address, telephone number, email address, and Betly registered account name (if applicable), where the witness can be reached.
- Any other information or documentation you believe is relevant to the dispute.
At Betly, we are always here to help, but if are you have an unresolved complaint after all reasonable means to resolve the complaint with Betly have been exhausted, the West Virginia Lottery can be contacted at:, or 900 Pennsylvania Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302.